I have never done this before, but considering my blog is entering its 4th year, I thought the time has come to finally do it – the first ever Summary of the year.
2014 has been a good year for both my collection and the blog itself. 13 new models have entered my collection last year, some of which have already been posted on the blog. The ones which haven’t made it online yet (mostly due to my busy schedule), will be appearing this year, so stay tuned!
Last year I have also added a few sub-pages to my blog, so it is more sophisticated now 🙂 I invite you especially to visit the “Gallery” page, where all of the more artistic photos will be displayed.
I also took part in some online blog-competitions. For most of them with moderate success, however a moment of pride came in June when my blog managed to win one of competitions for the best blog of the week “Najlepszy Blog Tygodnia”. The picture of it is below.
Podoba mi się Twój blog. Z przyjemnością dodam go do listy polecanych. Życzę wszystkiego dobrego w nowym roku, udanych zakupów i całej masy nowych wspaniałych modeli w zbiorze.
Bardzo dziękuję za uznanie. Twój blog też jest bardzo fajny a zdjęcia bardzo profesjonalne 🙂 Ja również życzę wszystkiego najlepszego w nowym roku oraz wielu ciekawych zdobyczy.